Webinar series – online
Care and concern
Naturally, you wouldn’t put the terms care and concern together. And yet the motivation for a particular care movement is often determined by worries. Or even false care arises due to the activation of fear. It is important for the parent-child relationship to differentiate between these motivations. Because if a child is not feeling well because they have experienced something stressful, they need someone to be there, to comfort them and to turn to them lovingly. If, on the parents’ side, worries, pressure and distress come into play instead, the child’s problem becomes the parents’ problem – and this in turn often leads to misdirected care. This is because, in addition to their own stress, the child feels that mom or dad is stressed and consequently feels guilty or confirmed that they have done something wrong. A balancing act in parenthood, which we take a closer look at in this webinar. We also discuss why it is so important not to get caught up in this complex of issues, especially in attachment-based support.
Location: EEH Switzerland
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